
Thursday, May 12, 2011

ini perlu, untuk menjadi yg terbaik=)

to start, tell u yar, this entry quite long n ini entry yg paling panjang yg prnh sy publish. so, for those, yg mls nk bc just ignore, saya ucapkan SELAMAT MALAM SAYANG..huhu, love this song..

tell me ya, y i always thinking of everything happend around me..yellin me up guys. wat i'm supposed to do , to make ma self perfect like others. is it true i should think eventually all days..days mix up wif all things, makes me wondering how i wanna it clear from any mistake..

td singgah2 kat blog org, mm kegemaran sy..bkk je blog, bkn nk tgk pe yg terbaru kat blog sy, but love to look others blog first..mmg sume blog yg update kat blog sy tuh, sume sy bkk.mmg lumrah sy mmg suka tgk perempun yg allah anugerahkan kecantikan yg tiada tandigan, kepandaian meluahkan ape yg ade dlm fikiran dgn terbaik, bijak bergaya, mempunyai sifat penyayang n ramah, sy mmg admire perempuan yg sebegini..kagum sgt dgn mereka..lebih2 lagi mereka yg mempunyai kelebihan such as she is really beautiful, good dress, very clever, xda mslh lnsg gan wang, sentiasa bersyukur..inila mereka yg menjadi muslimah sejati, idaman kaum adam.huhu

opppss, lets refer to ma first word on 2nd paragraph, maybe dis is serius n i wondering u especially kaum hawa perlu serius gan hal nih..semalam ade bkk blog someone,story gak psl benda nih, then terjumpa 1 msg at my sis fb jugak, so sy terpanggil nk wat entry psl nih..

wat is happend act, n wat i am really afraid n wondering??

u, have to read it..

It's a trend nowadays that many muslim Malaysian women are into the new hijab wearing i.e. wearing a shawl-like syrian style hijab. I posted on my Fb status recently stating that I too, would want to wear the syrian women hijab style with high bun but unfortunately my hair is short thus cannot tie or do a bun at all.I also received few suggestions to buy fake buns online or at Arzu, KLCC.

I used to study in an arabic-medium school and had learned that when you wear tudung, you're not supposed to show any indication that your hair is long by tying your hair really high/do a bun until men can notice the presence of your long hair eventhough you wear your cover/hijab. That defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab.However, I can't remember the hukum whether it's haram or harus or makruh.

Being curious, I googled about this sanggul arab issue and found the hadith related:


“ akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat”- hadith riwayat Ahmad, jil.2, ms. 223.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:


“dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini”

–hadith riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212-

I would say that I was tempted at first as I saw some women/celebraties/tv presenters looked really pretty wearing the syrian style hijab with high sanggul/bun. Sometimes, bila nak cantik, manusia selalu lupa pada hukum walaupon dah belajar.I am one of them. Bila nak buat benda jahat, laju je.

Anyway, in wearing hijab,niat perlukah menghalalkan cara? I dare not jatuhkan hukum or say that it is haram wearing the fake sanggul arab.However,at the moment, I'll just forget about buying the sanggul arab thingy.

so, for me yang baik itu dtg dr ALLAH n yg buruk itu datang dr diri saya sendiri.

sama2 kita fikirkan yer, insyaallah..

truly say's

marelfira mahamud

Post Title ini perlu, untuk menjadi yg terbaik=)