
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Results Begin...

9:07 We’re back…Ryan introduces the co-writer of “This Is My Now” to plug the songwriter competition. And aren’t we so appreciative of his contribution to the show. That was sarcasm if you didn’t catch it…And what did Ryan say about registering for the summer tour? I’ll have to check that later…Recap…

9:11 Results time…Jason…Ryan sends him to start a group on the left. Yea! He’s doing the group thing. You know I love those, but they usually mean a shocker…David C…As I predicted Ryan asks him about his emotions last night, but David doesn’t take the bait and just says that a lot of things came to a head this week. Good for him for not dragging his brother into this--even though we all already have…Ryan sends David to form a second group on the right and there’s a smattering of boos from the audience…Carly…She says that she thinks Simon has been really hard on her. Simon tells her he’s being hard on her because he thinks she has the potential to be great…Ryan sends Carly to join Jason. Hmmm…Kristy Lee…She tells Ryan that Simon can be a “butt” sometimes. Man, he’s getting it tonight, isn’t he?…Kristy Lee joins David C. Uh-oh…Break…

Post Title The Results Begin...