
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Last 25 minutes of "Idol Gives Back"

So, my trip tonight lasted a little longer than I expected, so I only caught the last 25 minutes. But here are my thoughts on those…

First of all, my apologies for not telling you that the show was going to run over. Of course, I didn’t tell you, because I didn’t know. Because if I had, I would’ve set the timer for longer and then turned over to “Top Chef” so I didn’t miss the entire Quickfire Challenge…

The mess-up with Brad Pitt’s microphone was shown because he didn’t want to re-tape his entrance. Reese Witherspoon’s entrance was also flubbed but she did hers again…

How cute were those little kids singing Daughtry’s “What About Now?”…

Was that Mariah Carey song supposed to be good? And where was the orchestra she was directing with her hands?...

“Shout to the Lord”? My, my, “Idol” is getting quite spiritual. But it sounded good. And Kristy Lee looked absolutely gorgeous in that long white dress. But why was Syesha wearing shorts? And did you notice how David Cook completely outsang Carly on those ad-libs? The song was a nice ending to the evening…

So why did we need to see the bit with Ben Stiller? I realize they were trying to be funny, but you don’t follow “Shout to the Lord” with a comedian dropping a bleeped f-bomb. That was completely out of place and totally inappropriate for a family show about charity. Nigel should be ashamed of himself…

So, what were your thoughts about the show? Did any of you donate?

I’ll have more thoughts after I watch the entire show…

Post Title The Last 25 minutes of "Idol Gives Back"