
Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Idols "Shout to the Lord"

8:00 Intro…Syesha looks a little sick until Ryan forces a smile from her…

8:01 Mandisa in the house!...”IGB” recap video…I like Snoop Dogg and I don’t know why…I promised you gymnastics from Fergie. Wow!...Teri Hatcher sang Carrie Underwood?! What?!...I LOVE Annie Lennox. I’m so glad that Simon Fuller is her manager so she can be a part of this every year…Hey, maybe I don’t even need to watch my tape now…

8:05 “IGB” has raised over $60 million. So far, that’s down from last year…iTunes plug. Ryan says the “IGB” downloads are already in the top spots…

8:06 They’re giving “Shout to the Lord” another sing. Maybe they realize they gave it short shrift last night…Jason looks so lost and all he has to do is move back and forth…They say “My Jesus” this time, but last night it was “My shepherd”…David C. gives me chills…The Idols go to the mini-stage in the audience with David wailing away…I admit I will download this one…Carly and Syesha put their arms around each other. Could that be a foreshadowing of the bottom two?...Break…

Post Title The Idols "Shout to the Lord"