
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Davids Take the Stage

9:17 We’re back…Ford ad: “Tainted Love”…It’s a rock version so they’re all dressed punk, except David A. who is illustrating it. David C. and Brooke run in to attack him or something. I’m not really sure what that was supposed to be…

9:18 President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush thanking everyone for giving to “Idol Gives Back.” We’re never going to let that go, are we?…

9:19 Couch vs. urinal stools, but there are only two tonight…The Davids come out together. Uh-oh…LOTS of screaming…Ryan interrupts Simon eating to ask him about David A.’s performance…David C. says he decided to be unpredictable by singing it as it was written…WOW, we are REALLY stalling tonight…They are both safe…I think the producers just wanted to see how they'd look standing next to each other on stage...

9:21 Ryan tells us it’s Neil Diamond week next week. I’m not really sure how I feel about that…Leona Lewis is here tonight. I knew she’d show up at some point…Break…

Hey, this “Hancock” movie looks wild, doesn’t it? And when did Jason Bateman become a major movie star? I love it…

Post Title The Davids Take the Stage